Monday, December 22, 2008

Dr.'s Visit and Night Terrors

Ever since the first night we had Michelle, she has seemed to experience some sort of night terrors. She wakes up several times during the first few hours of sleep, although not really awake, crying and thrashing around. Often her eyes are open, but I can tell she doesn't really see me. My mom's heart wants to pick her up and comfort her, but she seems to do better if I just rub her back and leave her in the bed. Everything I have read about this seems to confirm that's the right course of action, but it's hard feeling like I'm not doing anything to help her.

She was unsettled most of last night, and had a rough naptime today. She has done so well adjusting and attaching to us, I guess it's normal for her to process all this stress and change in some way. I pray once we are finally home she will be able to relax and rest well. She is so sweet - we want so much for her in her little life.

She did o.k. with the Dr.'s physical this morning. She was fine until the ENT started looking into her ears and nose - she really lost it when he looked into her mouth. Not a great sign since she will have many weeks upcoming of Dr.'s poking and prodding in those places. I guess we will just take it one day at a time.

It's such a comfort to know God is always watching over this precious child. Even when we aren't sure as parents what is best for her, I take such comfort knowing she has a loving Father in heaven who loves her even more than I do.


Mary Rider said...

Sorry to hear about the terrors. We can talk when you get home, Brian suffered with them too. You acted properly from my experience. Michelle will be fine. You are almost home to start your normal routine and that in itself will be comforting to her. Take care, your almost U.S. bound.
Love to all,

Julie K said...

We are counting the days until you are back in Burke. Everything is fine at home. This blog is so much fun, thanks for sharing your experience with us!

Unknown said...

Josh is having the same experience. The first nights I picked him up and tried to comfort him, but truly - he is not awake. I find that rubbing his back helps more!! I know they will find such love and security in their new homes that this will be short lived! Oh how lucky we are to be able to change their lives!!!

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