She does a wonderful job with Michelle. She has been to our house twice now, and both times she brings a huge bag of toys. They play all sorts of games and activities, and Michelle has so much fun she hardly realizes how hard Joanne is making her work to say things correctly. Her speech is coming along. She still has to work hard to make so many of the sounds (B,P, even W sometimes), but she is getting better each week. She gets the "placement" right for many words. By that, I mean she might substitute another letter - say "muppy" instead of "puppy", but that is progress. I am amazed at how many words she says now - of course, much of it only our family can understand, but she is getting there. I expect big changes in her as the year progresses. We are so happy to be working with Joanne.
Michelle also started school this week. These are pictures last week of her meeting her teachers. You can see she thinks this is pretty fun. Here she is with Mrs. C. (I didn't ask them if I can put them on the blog, so I'll just use initials.)
She did great her first day of school. I told her Mommy would stay and play for about 5 minutes, and then she would have to stay by herself with her teachers and friends, but that I would come back later to pick her up. She looked a little sad as I left, but I watched her through the outside window and she did fine. No tears, and she quickly found lots of fun things to play with. I brought my camera for pick-up, and I would say by all the paint on her shirt (and in her hair) that she had a great first day of school!
2 comments: need to teach me how you do what you do? Josh still screams like he has just dropped his ice creme cone - every time I leave him! ha ha hah a.....I will is getting a LITTLE better each day! I am so proud of MIchelle for being so strong and independent! That rocks!!! :)
School!?!?!?! Wow - that is amazing! I am very proud of Michelle. Mya does Sunday school - that's IT. And she refuses to participate - NO smiles either :)
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