Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Going to the Doctors is just not fun!

Sorry, no pictures for this entry. I am just not that hard core when it comes to blogging, that I would even remember to take my camera to the doctors office.

First, let me preface this by saying we have had way too many doctors appointments recently for Michelle. First we had a follow up for her cleft surgery at Walter Reed 2 weeks ago. That same day I took her over to our pediatrician for a shot, so she would be up to date when she had her physical. She needed a school physical for preschool and speech therapy through the county. (I'll blog more about that at a later date.) The next day I took her in for her school physical. Let's just say the doc we saw was not the smartest, nicest person on the planet. It was a bad experience for Michelle and myself. Then, 2 days later we returned for more shots, because we still hadn't filled the requirements. (Don't even get me started!)

Now for the fun part - yesterday we got to spend the afternoon in the ER! Michelle was playing by my bed. It's kind of low (used to be a waterbed) and made of hard wood. (old This End's Up furniture. Indestructible) She was jumping around like a frog, and I saw this coming, tried to stop it, but she jumped face first into the corner of my bed. It took about 10 seconds for her to look at me before the crying began. When she started gushing blood and her nose started swelling, I knew we had no choice but to go to the ER. I put in a quick call to my pediatricians office, just to see if they could see her, and they referred me on to the ER.

So, I'm trying to hold ice and a washcloth on her poor little face, praying she didn't do any major damage and especially that she didn't mess up anything associated with her lip or palate. I'm also, at the same time, trying to gather up enough "supplies" to last us through a while at the ER. (can you tell I've done this before?) And at the same time, making phone calls to rearrange a very busy afternoon. (Think 3 kids coming home and 8 piano students showing up at my door with no mom/teacher there to greet them)

Michelle sat in the backseat with an icepack on her nose, crying most of the way and saying over and over again, "No doctor, no doctor." The first thing she told the ER nurse as we walked in was "No doctor." (She also remembered as we left we had gotten smoothies at Starbucks. She started her campaign for "ice ceem". She's like a baby elephant - remembers everything.)

My sweet husband met me at the ER entrance, took the car to park and I took Michelle in to the ER. By this time the bleeding had stopped, and already the swelling was beginning to go down. After a while, Bill realized she was probably o.k. and he went back to work.

There were a lot of sick people there, so I knew we would probably not be a priority case. Four and a half hours later, when the doctor finally appeared to a sweet little 3 year old, covered in Elmo stickers, "sliding" up and down the patient exam table, he took one look at her and said,"Well, she appears to be fine now." Of course I didn't scream out loud, but silently inside.

He did check her out. She seems to be fine, but he suggested I follow up in a few days with her surgeons just in case they want to do further checks.

Life can be a little crazy sometimes! But I wouldn't change a thing.


Ellen said...

Oh no! Glad she's okay. Our boys have been bonding lately by diving off of the couch into piles of pillows and I've been anticipating a similar outcome. We've been trying to redirect with some success, but they seem intent on courting disaster.

Mary Rider said...

You can always call me for help. Sorry to read about your experience, I can relate to the ER thing lately. Glad she seems okay.

Chris P-M said...

Oh how scary that must have been! I know that kids can be so accident prone, but it is so hard to see things "as they happen". I'm glad Michelle is okay. :)


Unknown said...

Oh no....that is the worst!!! The ER sucks with a capital S and you are the best mom ever for taking her there and waiting it out!! She is a lucky little girl. And as for the doctor who told you she was "fine" (and I can so picture the whole thing in my head) He is lucky I was not there to crack him upside the head!!! ha ha ah a ha :) I am so glad she is ok!

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