Tuesday, January 13, 2009

ABC's and SAT's

My sweet friend Mary brought over a leapfrog ABC learning system for Michelle. She absolutely loves it and plays with it all the time. I have to say it drives me a little crazy when she plays the ABC song at the same time she plays the Frosty the Snowman from Hallmark, but I guess it's a good thing she likes music, especially in this house. This morning my husband and I were looking over our kids PSAT scores, and discussing college for my oldest daughter Elizabeth. It suddenly struck me how very bizarre it is to be parenting on such opposite ends of the spectrum. Life is certainly not boring!

On a positive note, I started back teaching yesterday and things went very well. I teach piano and voice 3 afternoons a week, with my longest day on Mondays. (1:30 - 5:30 p.m.) Michelle slept through some of the lessons, then played with the big kids in the other room for the rest of the day! Another huge thanks to my sweet friend Laura for all the toys - they made my first day of teaching a breeze. This means so much to me on a personal level to know I will be able to continue teaching! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE being a mom and staying home with my children. I consider it a privilege to be the one to be with them all day. But I also love my students and music, and it's nice to have a little something other than laundry in my life.

Michelle had her first dentist appointment today. She was fine, until the Dr. put the mask on her face, then she got this look on her face that sort of read, "I've been tricked!" She did not open her mouth easily, although Dr. Wooddell is very good at what she does and managed to get a good look inside. She told me as far as cleft kids go, Michelle seems to be in very good shape. No cavities, and she has all her teeth. (very unusual for cleft kids!) So we were happy with the good report. We have a date to meet with the cleft team at Walter Reed on February 4.

I have a few new pictures, but I'll have to put those up later.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh girl!! I am so so so happy that your teaching went well this week! Knowing that you can still have the things in your life that make you whole is more than a small accomplishment! Congrats on a super week!!! Great to hear about Michelle's dentist apointment! She is truly perfect!!! Love to you all!!

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