Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Next to Jesus, I can't imagine a better gift than Michelle for Christmas. A year ago today we had breakfast in China, lunch in Japan, and dinner at our home. It was a 36 hour Christmas, filled with excitement, exhaustion, some fear and a lot of relief. Reminds me of the Christmas story... I'm sure Mary and Joseph must have felt all those same emotions. Adoption reminds me so much of what God does for us. Before we even knew we needed Him, he came to earth to redeem us, make us part of His family.

Merry Christmas to all. May you celebrate this day with family, friends, and the love of Jesus!

1 comment:

Football and Fried Rice said...

I don't know about you, but I was thankful for a 'normal' Christmas this year. Somehow chasing Mya through the Beijing International Airport was not my idea of a Merry Christmas!! Although, last Christmas, my only daughter pointed to a Cindy Crawford Ad in the airport and said, "Mama" - so, maybe it wasn't too bad of a Christmas after all :)


Adopting Mya has made me feel the Christmas story more than ever before. Imaging her first family's loss - & what she had to go through to be part of our family...

I am so thankful that God adopted us when He sent His only son to the cross..

Merry Christmas, friends!

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