Thursday, November 12, 2009

Musings from the dentist office

Have you ever tried to take 4 kids to the dentist at the same time? I know there are those of you out there who do - I read your blogs. My hat is off to you, especially if you can do it and have one little piece of your sanity left when you are finished.

To get 4 children dressed, fed, and out the door by 8:00 a.m. is no small feat in our home. (and mom too!) Yet, somehow we managed to do it, along with all the backpacks ready to go so hopefully we won't be too late for school. But it takes a long time to look at 4 mouths, and so everyone ends up late. Including mom, who has a million things to do today. And did I mention it's picture day at preschool? And it's Michelle's snack day? And it's Thanksgiving Lunch day at Josh's school, and mom neglected to tell him she would not be joining him, so we have to deal with the tears and disappointment. It's sad that Josh doesn't have super-mom, he just has hanging-by-a-thread mom. And today, that thread is looking a little thin.

So, we make it through the dental visits. I wish I had a video. At one point I believe all of my kids were sitting with some form of open mouths - it was quite comical. And, Dr. Wooddell is AWESOME!!! Makes it fun for us all. So, we have to come back in to repair a filling, and we have to schedule an appointment for Lizzy to have her impacted wisdom teeth removed BEFORE she goes to college. (O.K., I'll add that to the list of a thousand other things we have to do BEFORE she goes to college.) But the best news is, no cavities. Good job Cole children!

So, I send 2 off in their own car. Have to answer some cell phone calls from the school counselor, but still beats having to drop off 2 kids. Get Michelle to preschool, still looking somewhat put together for picture day. Mrs. Z gives her a big hug, even though she's late, and tells her she loves her shiny teeth. I love Mrs. Z. Then we go to drop off Josh. I get the eye rolls from the office staff as I walk in the door, and I'm reminded I will be receiving an electronic phone call this evening since I neglected to call ahead to let the school know about his late arrival. O.K.

I don't think I deserve an electronic phone call, or an eye roll for that matter. I think I deserve some kind of medal for making through the morning!


Teresa said...

I TOTALLY deserve a medal, not attitude! But if you neglected your kids' teeth and let 'em rot in their heads, they would judge you for that as well.

I think you're amazing, Midge! Don't sell yourself short!!

Teresa =)

Unknown said...

Did you say something about you NOT being super mom? I beg to differ!! Great story!! :)

Mary Rider said...

mMedal, heck you are destined for Sainthood. I'll call about the wisdom teeth thing and the collegen used for brett's holes, A miracle!

Love you all,

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