Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fall Fun

We have had some fun days lately enjoying the lovely fall weather. Last week we met our friend Tyler at the local nursery for some fun.
Michelle LOVES to go "round and round". We did this until we were both dizzy.

I just included this picture of her playing on the pirate ship because she looks like such a big girl! She is growing like a weed.
Michelle and Tyler had fun digging for treasure in the sandbox. They hide hundreds of plastic spiders in the sand. Yuck! but the kids love it.
Then, last Friday, Michelle's preschool took a field trip to a different, smaller pumpkin patch. We love Mickey Mouse.
I think it's cute the Michelle calls these "boos". She wanted her picture made as a "boo!"
She wanted this to go "round and round" too, but Mommy convinced her it would be more fun just to crawl through it.
They had sheep, ducks, and a bunny. Michelle thought it was fun to feed the sheep, but she would not feed the ducks. (I think she was a little afraid. Smart girl - they can be a little aggressive.)
Most of the kids from her class did not go on the field trip. It was a rainy kind of day, so I think most of them just stayed home. But we are glad we went. Here she is with her friend Madeline and her teachers.

On another note, Michelle's language is exploding. She is saying 4 and 5 words sentences all the time, and her articulation is improving day by day. For the most part, that is a good thing. However, this morning she crawled in my lap and was pointing at all my face parts - eyes, nose, etc. Then she points to my mouth, and very clearly says, "Ma-Ma's BIG mouth!" Ha!


Unknown said...

ha ha ha ha...that made me laugh out loud!! :) I love that she is talking up a storm...look out as to what she will say next!! :)

I read your comment to my 10 month blog post...I mean truly...WHAT A DIFFERENT YEAR this is. you said it so well! :) Amazing that we had any sanity left. When you think back...can you almost feel the time...the stress...the excitement...the fear....the hope....all mixed in one big ball! :) Holiday lights, but not the top priority...presents were a check in the box....all second to the biggest blessing of the year!! :) Thanks for your comments...I feel like I was not alone!! :)

Mary Rider said...

How fun!!! Brian went to that same place while in pre-school and had a great time too!

Teresa said...

Cute fall pics! I'm so bummed that we never did make it to a pumpkin patch with the kids this year...oh well, can't be perfect no matter how hard I try!

I thought you would enjoy knowing that Molly STILL remembers Michelle! When I'm looking at your blog, Molly still excitedly hops up and down chanting, "Bing Qi! Bing Qi!" I love that!!

Teresa =)

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