Saturday, August 1, 2009


We have been pretty busy lately. Last week we were involved with VBS at our church, and my older teens played in the band. Michelle was in the nursery for part of each day, and I think she picked up some kind of "bug". So, this week we have been staying home, trying to get well. Yesterday was the first day she felt much like herself. I think this is the first time she has been sick since we have had her - of course we went through a lot of recovery with her surgery, but this was her first true cold.

Today we had some special visitors. Renee and her boys stopped by on their way north to visit family. Renee traveled with us to get Joshua Song when we went to China last year. It was great to see them after almost 8 months, to see our kids so happy and healthy with their new families. (Their blog is linked to our sidebar - A Thousand Reasons to Smile.)
And speaking of other blogs we follow, we are anxiously awaiting Molly's Gotcha Day this Monday, August 3 on Continuing the Journey. Molly and Michelle were not only in the same orphanage, but also in the same foster home for a while, so we are excited to see Molly join her forever family.

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