Monday, June 29, 2009

Helping out a sister/friend

When we came back from China, we looked through some of the pictures taken by the orphanage, and we were delighted to see pictures of Molly and Michelle together in the same foster family. Even though not biological sisters, we have come to think of Molly as Michelle's foster sister.

We had already been following Molly's blog - you can find it on our links to the side under "Continuing the Journey".

They are going to get Molly soon, and things are moving a little faster than expected. That's the good news - Molly gets to be with her family. The bad news is, in this rough economy, their family is struggling a bit to get all the funds necessary for the adoption.

If you would like to read more about Molly, and maybe help them out a little, please visit their blog. It's a great blog, and they seem like such a neat family. Plus, they are having some great giveaway's to everyone who contributes.

Tell them Midge sent you!

1 comment:

Teresa =) said...

Awwww, Midge, you're the best! And you didn't even tell me that you were posting about us.

We also think of Michelle as Molly's sister...and can't wait to get them back together for a visit!!

Love ya!!

Teresa =)

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